Enjoy the world of Agon in its fullest by upgrading to premium and removing all restrictions.
Downgrading from Premium to Freemium
Your Premium status will automatically downgrade to Freemium after running out of Premium time. When downgrading you do not lose things that go against it's specific Freemium limit:
- If you own a house or a clan you do not lose it unless you've been inactive for 30 days.
- If you have more than 750 items in your bank you do not lose any items and can only withdraw items until the item amount drops below the Freemium limit.

Regular harvesting returns less resources
Clan rank is restricted to Lieutenant
Cannot create a clan (Can join!)
No house ownership
Personal bank space limited to 750 items
Market buy/sell orders are limited to 20 orders
Backpack carrying capacity is limited to 350 kg
Meditation points are limited to 100k
Quest and Task kill credits are not shared with a party
Regular harvesting returns more resources
Clan rank is not restricted
Can create a clan
House ownership with no restrictions
Personal bank increased to 2000 items
Market buy/sell orders are unlimited
Backpack carrying capacity is limited to 400 kg
Meditation points are limited to 500k
Quest and Task kill credits are shared with a party