Tired of spending 5 minutes hunting through your bank to make the same gear bag multiple times? We feel your pain. Gear templates will allow users to copy a bag of items as a template and automatically load them from their bank and into a bag. Choose a template, load it into a bag, pop it in your inventory and right click to equip all the armor. Goodbye downtime - hello convenience.
We always liked the unique mob armor available in the game but it was difficult to find and served little more than role play purpose with heavy disadvantages. We are going to add these unique armors as unique recipes that players can find. Once found they can be consumed and then a user will have the ability to create the armor themselves with increased bonuses over their PVE counterpart.
Clan’s will be able to fully control and exploit the lands around their holdings by the use of Control Towers. These towers will give a variety of benefits and control such as extending clan buffs to nearby tiles, giving “taxes” from economic activity in the tile and control over the lawful state of the land. This is only the beginning as there will also be a series of structures that can be built once a clan has claimed a territory with a Control Tower. These structures will require “Energy Shards” to operate which will can be gained through killing mobs and other activities. Structures will include mines, farms, fisheries, local banks, guard/scout towers, portals and various “factories”. Factories will give clans access to all sorts of items, gear and structures through new vendors in clan cities. The design focus here is to give rise to regional powers through economic and combat advantages to connected territories. Taking over a holding will no longer be something done sneakily, it will be a struggle to advance towards a holding or hold your territory from an enemy's onslaught.
New unique named mobs will be added to the world, and each will have a lore backstory that users can collect and earn titles for. These mobs will also be the primary source for mob armor crafting recipes.
The transmute skill will allow users the ability to convert melee and archery weapons to elemental damage, creating more viable PvE options for non-magic users. There will also be ways to transmute staves and armor tied into these changes.
The perks system will replace the current melee/archery specialisation system in game. It will offer a large variety of perks with multiple levels, each level costing more than the last. This allows players the ability to specialize in a few high level perks or spread out their choices to be more generalized. We plan to add in non-combat related perks as well, expanding on the choices players have with their characters to beyond combat specialisation.
This is planned to be a catch-all area to put all sorts of information. This includes a bestiary and character specialisation options such as titles, lore pages, help pages, player and character stats, recipes, etc. This will become the location that users will very often reference for necessary information about the game while they are within the world of Agon and playing.
Armor will get new robes for mages which can be attuned using the transmute skill to one of the 6 high-end magic schools for bonuses. There will also be changes to the metal and leather/cloth armors to give more specialized choices. Perks will allow users to hybrid between the armors as well to allow players to do actions effectively that normally an armor would negate.
Portal hubs will bring the world of Agon to the player's fingertips like never before. An “Order” hub will allow safer travel between racial capital cities and the “Chaos” hub will allow travel to and from all continents and many points of interest. Getting around the world, particularly for those blue players wishing to travel between racial areas, will become much more convenient.
Initial Deployable Survival Structures
While clans may own large holdings and control big territories we would also like solo and small groups to be able to have their own place to call their own. We are looking to add in various structures that will feel at home for survival players, allowing them the ability to build small campsites up to large hamlets.
Starting deployables:
*Bedroll - Single player bindstone
*Small storage box - Local weight-based storage
*Basic Workbench - Allows players to build most items in the wild(Likely to change once more structures are added).
Libraries will allow you to store multiple runebooks for convenience and allow you to open your runes to other players to use. We are looking to add these to player cities and houses, with options for opening them up with a use-fee for entrepreneurs.
We wish to give more options for customising the access certain players in your group/clan have to items in your bank. This will allow for much more flexibility in clan and group management. The idea is twofold:
- Allow users to place a global PIN code on their account to prevent personal/clan bank thefts
- Make a locked box item that you can place in a bank with separate admin and user PINs. This gives much more flexibility for clans to setup boxes with items they are comfortable with different ranks accessing
Artisan skills will be a specialisation choice for high level crafters. Characters will be limited to how many artisan skills they can train which will give various benefits to the craft chosen. Better durability, stats and unique choices will separate everyday crafters and those who dedicate themselves to a particular craft. These skills will be long-term goals for dedicated crafters, as Artisan gear will be the gold standard for marketable items.
We are planning to implement four factions to be included in our opt-in faction system. These factions will fight daily for control over various cities, territories and bonuses. The clan and faction systems are planned to be tied in together so a clan can choose to align themselves with a faction if they so wish. There will also be a faction stronghold for each one with various faction activities to partake in, along with various bonuses and faction specific gear made available. A controlled city provides benefits to the controlling faction like reduced vendor costs, special faction items that can only be purchased from a controlled NPC city, and other things of this nature.
Several changes will be happening to the siege system to make it more interesting and less of a single fight on a timer. Activity windows will be coming into play which will have a small upkeep but will allow users to set a time when their clan is most active and able to protect/advance their territory. Outside of their activity window they will receive heavy defensive benefits to make it more difficult for “midnight griefing” while they are sleeping, allowing players to rest easy and work without worrying about the empire you built. In addition there will be offensive and defensive benefits to having Control Towers around your own holdings and holdings you want to siege. It will also no longer benefit clans to wait for another to build up a holding and then take it from them as holdings are planned to be heavily decimated upon capture.
The new alignment system we are designing is time-based and uses murder counts instead of a +/- alignment value as it is now. This system is inspired in part from the one present in games such as Ultima Online but will not necessarily carry the same type of skills/stat loss for a high murder count. Every time a user murders a blue player in a lawful tile they will get a murder count, and each murder will reset the timer to turn back to blue. There are a lot of components to this which we will go into detail on in the future.
Unique Spell School Effects
All high-end spell schools will receive a unique effect, some being immediate and others with a progressive effect that builds over time. This is to further encourage specialization as these secondary effects may be amplified through various perks, transmuted staves and armors.
The current spell magnitude formula will be revised so that staves will have a much bigger impact on the outcome. This is designed to give real choice between slow/hard hitting and fast/weaker combat styles. In addition there will be balancing done between the spell schools, since it is necessary that each school can stand on its own when developing the Character Perk System.
Choosing Respawn Location
Dying while out on a long run with friends is painful, potentially sending you to the other side of the world. This forces players to grab new gear and head out again on a long journey to meet up which can be demoralizing. To compensate for this, we are adding in the option to choose where you respawn on death, be it the nearby chaos/bindstone to your body or maybe your racial capital or your house? This will also be a great anti-bindcamp feature to prevent users from “locking” a player to their bindstone which is a 100% NOT FUN activity for the camped player.
We will be adding in new and enhanced help pages that go over game features and explanations on mechanics. These will be located in the new Compendium of Knowledge. We recognize that information is lacking on in-game mechanics and that it is difficult to learn the game without a mentor to show you the ropes. The new help pages will give more information to users so they can better understand the necessary aspects of the game to be able to adapt and thrive instead of being pushed out due to frustration.
Full Loot Changes in Lawful Areas
New players will no longer drop all of their items/gear upon death. As users gain skills/stats and time passes they will transition to more advanced stages of the game and in turn will drop more and more loot in lawful tiles. Full loot for newer players is crushing and favors elite reds far too much, which can make it extremely difficult for new players to get into the game. PvP will still be possible but the sting for newer players will be much less until they have had at least a chance to learn about the game. Once they progress to the point of having basic mastery of their character and some understanding of the game they will be flagged as advanced and drop some loot in lawful, once they have been around much longer and have become far more powerful they will move to the expert level and risk more. This is a controversial change in the Darkfall sphere but it is one that we know to be necessary, griefers need to be kept in check and have had an unfairly easy advantage in the game since its inception.
- New repeatable tasks will be implemented: Daily, Weekly and Monthly varieties planned
- Nectar of the gods will be added to the early tasks to remove reliance on newbie quests in specific cities